Surrey Young Carers on BBC Morning Live

Young adult carers, Young carers
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Surrey Young Carers filmed for YCAD

BBC Sarah interviewing a young carer outsside at Walton Firs

We were delighted to have presenter Sarah and the crew from BBC Morning Live join us to film young carers to highlight their role and Young Carers Action Day.

Sarah interviewed a sibling pair of young carers who help look after their younger sister, at their home in Molesey, and then later interviewed another young carer at our event at Walton Firs.

Active afternoon

Sarah then joined the young carers (aged 11-14) as they enjoyed an afternoon of fun activities, including tomahawk-throwing, climbing, and of course pizza!

The young carers were able to tell her all about their lives, and how events like this from Action for Carers’ Surrey Young Carers team, give them a little time out, new opportunities and the chance to make friends with other young people who understand them.

A fab time was had by all!

Thank you

Sarah with staff from Surrey Young Carers

Thanks to the BBC team for coming along, and of course, to our young carers for being filmed and interviewed.

You can see the programme on BBC Sounds, from 8.30 onwards.

young carers climbing outdoors
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